Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Wow, Long time no see!

Hey all! I'm back baby yeah! Sorry to have been MIA for so long. Been busy with you know who. Angus is doing wonderfully. He's growing so fast. I know people always say how quickly their kids grow, but wow! I really had no idea until I had my own little bundle. Or not so little now. He's such a little character. Really developing his own unique personality now. OMG! I just realised, he's 8 months old today! Happy 8 months baby boy:) I am so in love with him. The way he smiles, he talks to himself and apparently he thinks he's funny because he's always giggling to himself. He makes me smile even on my worst days. Although I don't really have any of those lately. Due to my lovely doctor. Thanks doc. I was diagnosed with post natal depression. A really bad case of it. Suicidal thoughts and all that crap. And so now I'm on the antidepressants, I feel like a whole new person. Really great all the time. The only reason I think I didn't go through with any of my negative thoughts was  Angus and my dear Hubby. I wasn't going to be selfish and leave them with all the pain and grief.
But, on a lighter note, I have been sewing soft toys again. I made Angus a couple of monsters. I'll post pics. One is called Mike and the other is called Red. Have been spending alot of time with my Mum. Oh wow! She absolutely adores her baby grandson. Always making him things. It's so great! Will be seeing her again this week. She is the only person I can truly trust (apart from Hubby) to leave Angus with. He loves going to her house too. She has cats and a little white dog called Beans that He loves.
Well, till next we meet my lovelies:) (Promise it won't be too long between visits)

                                             Chocolate custard face. Five months old.

Sitting all by myself. Six and a half months.

Me and mummy.

I customised his nappy bag. And added his footprint.

Love Ikea fabric.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

We did it!

Hey all! I haven't been around for a while. I've been kind of pre-occupied with our new addition to the Campbell house! Yes! He's here! And oh my god how much do we love him? I don't remember what my life was like before Angus came along. He's just so precious. I've never known love like this. It's amazing!

Here's the story. I went along on a friday to my usual antenatal check up and yet another scan to check his size. They were keeping an eye on him because of the few issues I had throughout my pregnancy. So I had my scan and all looked well. Or so I thought. The sonographer went and got the head guy to come in and double check her measurments and he noticed that my placenta had basically stopped doing it's job.So bub was 36 weeks size.He said bub had to come out asap. So I ended up consulting with the head of special obstetrics and he was fantastic. He told me I needed to be induced that night or the following. So off we went home to wait for the phone call to go back in for my induction. On the way home we thought we'd do groceries so off we went. Half way through grocery shopping we got the phone call to ask us to go back that night. So we went home and I showered and made sure I had everything in my bags. And then as we headed back to the hospital there was a rainbow. I took it as a good sign so I snapped a pic of it on my phone. Hehe. Got to the hospital about 5.45pm and they had me fill out papers and then I headed into the birthing suite. There I lay for about half an hour before someone came in and did the whole check over  and poke and prod and ten million usual questions. I had the gel inserted around 7:30 pm and then had to just lay there for a while. At this stage hubby went home because nothing would happen till the morning if it was going to work first go. It was about 10:30pm before I got taken back up to my room. I ended up in a private room too! It was great! So I had a shower and jumped into bed around 11ish and just couldn't sleep. I was so excited. I was actually very surprised because I wasn't one bit nervous. I was just so happy that it was all happening. I'd get to meet my little guy soon!! I think I finally drifted off around 12 because they said they'd some and get me at 5am so I thought I'd better at least try to get some kind of sleep. Especially seeing as how this would probably be my last night of uniterupted sleep for the rest of my life:P I didn't wake up the whole time either. At 4am I woke and had to pee, but as I got up off the bed my waters broke and I sat straight back down again and pressed the buzzer for the midwife. As soon as my waters broke I had my first contraction. Midwife came in and helped me to the bathroom where I showered and continued to gush fluid. Turns out there was a bit of meconium on the fluid but not enough to warrant and emergency ceaser. There was only a few specks. So all was ok. After my shoer they took me down to the birthing suite. I did call hubby before I went down stairs to inform him I was redy to go and he was there in warp speed time. lol. So by this time it was around 4:45am and my contrations were coming every five minutes already. Iwas dealing with them well. They were painful but not unbearable. I was hooked up to monitors and had my iv needle put in and we were all go from there. I was handling the contrations really well and I was so calm it was eary. Around 5:30am the midwife put a monitor on bubs head because they wanted to keep a closer eye on his heartrate because of the meconium thing. and by 6:30 I was seriously considering pain relief. I think it was about 6:45 when I asked for peth and so she gave me a shot of that but it didn't do anything because 15 mintues later by 7am I was ready to push. I got back up onto the bed  ( I was on a birthing ball for an hour ) and started pushing. Four pushed later at 7:13 am Angus was born. 5lb 11oz and oh so tiny. Hubby cut the cord and got the first cuddle. He was fantasic all thoughout the whole thing. So supportive. And the look on his face when he got to hold bub was the best. Such a proud dad. I ended up with two stitches internally and two externally. All in all the whole birth and labour went beautifully. The midwife couldn't believe how quickly it all went. I was amazed at myself ! I still can't believe it. I'm so happy with the whole thing. It's couldn't have gone any better. Bub was put onto my chest for skin to skin and the first thing he did was try to latch on for a feed. Amazing little man. I stayed in the hospital for two and a bit days and got to go home on the monday. We're all settling in really well and getting to kow each other. We are the happiest parents ever.
A few hours old at the hospital.

Just after we got home.

With Daddy watching the rugby.

Two weeks old

Three weeks old

Tummy time. 3 weeks.

Yesterday in his new outfit.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

And again

I know. I've already done this once today. But i've realised that I have alot more to tell you. I have finished Angus's nursery. Oh did I tell you? His name's Angus. Not sure if i told you that or not. But there you go. I've finished his nursery. Went to Mum's one dy and spent the day sewing and made an adorable dog stuffed toy that I call Mr Bottworths because he's covered in robot fabric. It's so ute. And a Nun that visits my Mum at work all the time gave me a beautiful knitted doll that she made. It's so good. I can't believe people can do things like that. Amazing. I can't really knit. So here are some piccys.

24 weeks and counting

Went for my follow up scan on Monday. Duh. I got there and the lady behind the desk informed me that my appointment wasn't actually till Wednesday. hehehe. So home I troddled. Back on Wednesday. Which was better anyway because Hubby was able to come with me as it was a public holiday. Went in and I wasn't even nervous. First time EVER!!! She had a good look at bubs. Measured things. All looked good. Heartbeat was 160bpm. So that puts the higher heartbeat = a girl theory out the window. But unfortunately, there it was, the amniotic band. Although from what I've read and seen scans of, it looks to me more like an amniotic sheet. Well it's all ok though because bub isn't near it. He actually had his bum towards it and his legs up around his head. hehehe. So I'm off to see my GP Today and talk to him about it and they're going to keep a really close eye on it. I'm really not to worried about it. I just know it's going to be all fine. I mean, if I can't deal with this then how the hell did I get through all that other crap? Gotta be positive. Other than that bit of news, he's healthy and strong and growing well.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Just a short one!

Ok, this is just a short post. I made Angus some bibs and I'm fairly happy with how they turned out! It was really simple. I just got a pattern of the net, but you could easily make one up yourself. Or even just trace around a bib you already use! The front is just cotton whatever fabric I had and the back is an old towel. Word of warning though. If you're going to cut up a towel, be aware that it makes a HUGE mess!! But it's easy to clean up.
This is my favourite with bugs on it!

Here are the other colours

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Woo Hoo it's blooooooo!!!

We found out! And we couldn't be happier! IT"S A BOY!! Wow. I cried when she told us. I couldn't have cared either way, but it's great to know and to find out he's all healthy. He's growing wonderfully. I'm amazed at his growth too. At my first scan at 18 weeks he was measuring one week behind but at my more recent scan he was measuring a day ahead! I couldn't believe it! It's wonderful. So I went out and bought my first gender specific item. Three little blue onsies with cars on them. Hehe. So cute. I do have to go back at 24 weeks for another scan because they think there was an amniotic band but they're not sure. If you don't know what this is, it's a thin piece of the amniotic sac that has broken away and is floating around in the amniotic fluid and it can wrap itself around part of bub and as he grows it can basically cut the circulation off and essentially almost amputate the part of the body. But, it is very rare and highly unlikely that that's what it is. So I'm not worried at this stage. If it's anything then it's more likely to be an amniotic sheet which does no harm to bub at all.If it was the former then it would have been picked up at an earlier scan and there were no other signs to say that it was there. Bub looks perfectly fine and healthy, plus another scan just means I get to see him again in a few weeks! So here are the pictures I got of him.

                                                      Here he is at 20 weeks and 1 day.

                                                               And here are his feet.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Morphology Scan Relief!

Hey all. I haven't been around for a bit and I only thought to do this because someone mentioned to me that I haven't posted in a while, so here it is. The latest addition.
Not much to report really. My pregnancy is going really well, finally. I'm currently 19 weeks, yay! I went to have my morphology scan done last Friday, 2nd July 2010, and I was a complete wreck going in there. But the first thing she did was piont out the heartbeat and I cried tears of relief. That was all I needed to see. She did do a few measurements and all seemed well, but bub was still a bit too small to get everything that was required. I have to go back on the 12th July for another go. She tried to see if bub was a boy or a girl but he/she had their legs crossed, so we couldn't tell. Although she did say that she couldn't see any boy bits, but she didn't want to say it was a girl because she wasn't sure. So I'm sure I'll find out ont he 12th. I hope. Although when it comes down to it, it's not really important as long as it's healthy. I'm also starting to get the nursery organised. I have the furniture but there are still a few important bits like a cot matress and change table mat that I haven't got. And I'm sure I'll get plenty of everything else further down the track.Of course I alreadty have most of the stuff I need because I got it during my first pregnancy. It's just been packed away for a while. It's nice to be able to get it out and get ready to use it finally. I'm feeling really good now too. my morning sickness is gone and I have more energy, but I am still getting tired in the early afternoons and it's now getting harder to reach my feet. Lol!! I'll post a recent picture of my roundness too, just so you can see how things are progressing. Bub seems to be growing right on shedual. And my tummy is too. hehe. Sel calls me a ball with arms and legs. Hehehe. It's so funny. I have to get him to put my socks on because it's getting too hard to do it myself.
Well that's about all I can tell you right now. I didn't get any pictures of bub the other day because I didn't have my scan done properly, but I will when I have it done on the 12th.

This is me at 18 weeks and 1 day. But I feel like I've popped even more since then.