Not much to report really. My pregnancy is going really well, finally. I'm currently 19 weeks, yay! I went to have my morphology scan done last Friday, 2nd July 2010, and I was a complete wreck going in there. But the first thing she did was piont out the heartbeat and I cried tears of relief. That was all I needed to see. She did do a few measurements and all seemed well, but bub was still a bit too small to get everything that was required. I have to go back on the 12th July for another go. She tried to see if bub was a boy or a girl but he/she had their legs crossed, so we couldn't tell. Although she did say that she couldn't see any boy bits, but she didn't want to say it was a girl because she wasn't sure. So I'm sure I'll find out ont he 12th. I hope. Although when it comes down to it, it's not really important as long as it's healthy. I'm also starting to get the nursery organised. I have the furniture but there are still a few important bits like a cot matress and change table mat that I haven't got. And I'm sure I'll get plenty of everything else further down the track.Of course I alreadty have most of the stuff I need because I got it during my first pregnancy. It's just been packed away for a while. It's nice to be able to get it out and get ready to use it finally. I'm feeling really good now too. my morning sickness is gone and I have more energy, but I am still getting tired in the early afternoons and it's now getting harder to reach my feet. Lol!! I'll post a recent picture of my roundness too, just so you can see how things are progressing. Bub seems to be growing right on shedual. And my tummy is too. hehe. Sel calls me a ball with arms and legs. Hehehe. It's so funny. I have to get him to put my socks on because it's getting too hard to do it myself.
Well that's about all I can tell you right now. I didn't get any pictures of bub the other day because I didn't have my scan done properly, but I will when I have it done on the 12th.
This is me at 18 weeks and 1 day. But I feel like I've popped even more since then.
YAY for the baby bump (very jealous!) xo